Monday 28 May 2018

Hi-Q edition of Things Improve with Time

28th May 2018, London, UK
Mairk has released a new mix of Things Improve With time. According to the YouTube video text.

Mairk produced this version of Things Improve With Time for audiophiles, music producers and DJs who want to set their own limits to what they listen to. Following on from Oncle Gilbert's House Of Marley Smile Jamaica edition, Mairk felt that he needed a version of the track that would be as close to what he was hearing in the studio. Read more ...

The result is an unmastered, non loud version which can be listened to at reasonable volume and also at high volume / high gain situations such as audiophile room or club, with no additional artifacts getting in the way.

Mairk has termed the mix - Hi-Q - with the phrase choose your limits, so that the appropriate level of loudness can be chosen.

To truly hear this 24-bit stereo WAV file in all its glory, please email A copy will be furnished to you.

Other ways to listen:

Lower quality via the youtube above.
On the move - House Of Marley mix via bandcamp -

Sunday 27 May 2018

House of Marley Smile Jamaica Earphones - Exclusive Mix from Mairk

Artist at dnldr, Mairk has just released a new mix of Things Improve With Time, mastered especially for Marley Sound Earphones.

Mairk says, "I'm on my second pair of these wonderful earbuds. I travel into London daily and these come with me. I decided to make my mix really shine using these earbuds as a reference for mastering, so I selected Rachel M Starr's lyrics and set to work on a retro house feel track."

Mairk also uses a pair of Sennheiser headphones when at home for listening, "I really enjoy the sound of these, especially in the bass department. If you use these to listen to my track you'll be getting what I call an out of room experience. It really makes me feel like something powerful is approaching and gets my hear racing."


Marley Smile Jamaica

Sennheiser HD 598SR

Friday 25 May 2018

Artist Focus - Kirine


dnldr producer Oncle Gilbert has worked with Kirine on a number of occasions, this post highlights a track recently sung by Kirine. Original track '4th of July' by Mark N Hopgood and Rachel M Starr.

dnldr: What makes you tick?
Kirine: I'm a linguist by my head, singer by my heart

dnldr: Where are you from?
Kirine: I was born in the early 80s, in Romania. I currently live in Germany.

dnldr: You translated and sand La fin de la nuit, do you have any other talents?
Kirine: I speak six languages (Romanian, English, German, Italian, French and Spanish) and I even have a BA in translating and interpreting for the first three. Over the years, I've worked as an interpreter, workshop organizer and preschool teacher.

dnldr: Wow, do you find translating easy?
Kirine: Learning foreign languages has always come easy to me. In addition I have an ear for singing in tongues, whichever they may be; I have even sung in Finnish, Japanese, Afrikaans and African, although I don't speak them, as well as various fantasy languages.

dnldr: What about music, when did you learn to sing?
Kirine: Music and singing have been in my heart for as long as I know. They slowly turned from a hobby into my profession when their voices became too loud for me to ignore anymore. And they were singing in harmony, in all the languages I know... and many others!

dnldr: How did you start professionally?
Kirine: I started singing officially on the Bandhub musician collaboration platform, with people from all around the world (that is where I also met my husband, who is often my instrumentalist). In 2015 I was recommended the Fiverr freelancer platform, which has enabled me to turn music into a profession and really develop as an artist. And this is an ongoing process.

I sing a lot of educational children songs and work with many language schools, translating and tweaking lyrics, a talent that I discovered I also have. However, my soft and often cute vocals go well with a lot of music styles and thus I've lent them to steampunk songs, electronic pop, EDM, affirmation songs, lots of ballads and even to musicals. Again, in all the languages I speak and also others. The list just goes on.

dnldr: Where do you record?
Kirine: I'm recording from my little home studio, and sometimes composing and arranging whole songs, together with my husband. 

dnldr: What are your favourite tracks on dnldr?
Kirine: I love La fin de la nuit, but my all time favourite is You Help Me Show My Love - it's usually on my playlist at home.

dnldr: Where can we find out more about your work?

dnldr: Thank you Kirine, we look forward to hearing more of your wonderful voice, soon.

You Help Me Show My Love will be released in 2018 as part of Mairk's album Fairlights and Fantasies.

Monday 21 May 2018

Artist Focus - Mairk

Mairk is a singer songwriter based near London, UK and is best known as a member of the group Fade Files.


Mairk collaborates on tracks and is also available as a producer / topliner.

Charges: £250/day for production, mixing toplining.
Collaboration / Revenue share: possible

Saturday 19 May 2018

Mairk releases new single - an Anglo Australian collaboration. May, 2018

Mairk has released the first single from the forthcoming album "Fairlights and Fantasies".

Luckiest Man Alive is a collaboration between Brisbane based songwriter, Rachel M Starr and Mark N Hopgood, producer.

The track is available on all the usual streaming services and iTunes

Fade Files release new Welsh single - Cardiff, May 2018

Welsh / Swiss musical group, FadeFiles have released a new single - Dyddiau Dyfodol available for download for free from 21/05/2018.

According to their website,

Dyddiau Dyfodol yw sengl newydd Fade Files, a gafodd ei gyd-gynhyrchu yng Nghaerdydd gyda Kris Jenkins.
I'w lawrlwytho am ddim o 21/5/2018.

Dyddiau Dyfodol is Fade Files’ new single, produced in Cardiff, Wales in collaboration with Kris Jenkins.
To download for free from 21/5/2018.

Free download from their website:

other fade files tracks available via iTunes